Code of Conduct

All athletes must abide by a Code of Conduct Agreement while traveling, training, and competing as member of the Modesto-Stanislaus Water Polo Club. Listed below is an overview of expectations.

All athletes/parents agree to hold athletes accountable to:

  1. Travel with an adult chaperone. There are absolutely no exceptions to this.
  2. A nightly curfew will be established and strictly observed.
  3. All meetings, training sessions, sightseeing tours, etc. will be attended. Athletes will be punctual.
  4. Zero tolerance regarding tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs.
  5. All physical damage occurring in a hotel room will be paid for by the registered occupant(s) of that room.
  6. Zero tolerance regarding unacceptable behavior. This includes but is not limited to:
    1. Committing an act which would be considered an offense under laws of the US, the host country, or US Water Polo.
    1. Gross misbehavior or unsportsmanlike conduct.
    1. Disrespect to the coaching staff/parent chaperones.

Athletes present while any prohibited activities occur must leave immediately and notify the head coach. If you fail to do so, you will be considered a participant by choice. Athletes observing or having any knowledge of any activity which may result in bodily harm must immediately report the activity to the head coach.

Violations of any of the above may entail, depending upon the circumstances, the following:

  1. Full or partial restriction of movement of the participant in activities on the trip.
  2. Immediate removal from the team and sent back home at parent’s expense.

The coaching staff assumes an enormous degree of responsibility on any trip. All athletes and pares must be in agreement with the Code of Conduct Agreement. The head coach will have final say in all.